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Documents you receive when setting up a SMSF

Completion of the <Instruction Form> will enable us, or your adviser to prepare the following documents for you to sign. Remember having your own AFS licensed Accountant or Advisor will take all the pain away from all the paper work, the below are the essential documents you will receive, but it is not exhaustive:

  1. SMSF Trust Deed – It is important that the lawyer has experience in superannuation as the trust deed needs certain clauses for it to be effective.
  2. Company (optional) – Constitution, formation minutes, consents and ASIC forms……
  3. SMSF Minutes – re appointment of trustee and other requirements for a company as trustee or individual trustees.
  4. Applications & Acceptances –Employer Sponsor, employee member, self employed member.
  5. Employer letters – for employee contributions.
  6. ABN Application – prepared and lodged with the ATO
  7. PDS – Product Disclosure Statement.
  8. Trustee obligations – see ATO published guides, which includes but is not limited to “Key messages for SMSF Trustees
  9. Directors duties – ASIC published guide, which includes but is not limited to “Directors – what are my duties as a director

Reading the <ATO guide to setting up a SMSF> is recommended first followed by the Trustee obligations and Director Duties publications.

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