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How to Setup a SMSF with us

To apply to set-up a new SMSF with us, print and fill out this form: <Click Here>

Alternatively, complete the form on-line here: <Click Here>

The easy way is to contact your Accountant or Advisor to setup a SMSF for you.

Remember there are proposed changes to laws, see <FOFA> or <ASIC> that include restrictions to Advisors who are appropriately licensed by a AFSL (Australian Financial Services License) to recommend the formation of a SMSF in the future. For further assistance and guidance see <our offer>

However you can create your own SMSF by instructing both Advisors and Accountants to create the SMSF for you without seeking advice, a report issued in July 2012 by  SPAA & Macquarie “SMSF Generations Report” stated that 42% of people set up their own fund without taking any advice.

Your advisers can carry out work on an ongoing basis after formation of the SMSF, accountants limited to providing tax advice and general advice,  and the financial advisers limited to the authorisations permitted by the AFS Licensee in which the adviser is an authorised representative.

If you have not obtained an ASIC registration and are concerned about what happens after 1 July, our sister company that holds a Australian Financial Services License that can provide Accountants who are our referral partners with Authorisations to continue providing SMSF solutions.  <Contact Us> to find our more and how you are eligible.

The following Form cont


ains a non exhaustive list of information to be provided to you/your Accountant/ Advisor to setup your own Super Fund. However please note that instruction forms may differ between advisers. Before completing the form you should read the following:

  1. Trustee obligations – see ATO published guides, which includes but is not limited to “Key messages for SMSF Trustees
  2. Directors duties – ASIC published guide, which includes but is not limited to “Directors – what are my duties as a director

Reading the <ATO guide to setting up a SMSF> is recommended first followed by the Trustee obligations and Director Duties publications.



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